Alterra Artisan Roast — our CEO’s favorite Flavia-brewed coffee — will be unavailable for an undetermined period of time. It has been temporarily put out of production by Mars Drinks, and we have just sold out of our inventory. As soon as Mars Drinks resumes production, we will bring it back into stock and make an announcement.


artisan-roast-temporary-unavailable-replacements Flavia’s Alterra Artisan Roast Temporary Unavailable


The good news is, there are no production issues with any other Alterra Coffees or Bright Teas, and we have them all in stock with ample supply.


alterra-light-smooth-medium-balanced Alterra Coffee Light Smooth Medium Balanced Categories


Artisan Roast drinkers are urged to try other coffees from the same “Medium and Balanced” category — Colombia, Foundry Blend, or Kona Blend. We will post an alert on our blog as soon as Artisan Roast makes its return!

If you need help updating your merchandiser to replace Artisan Roast with a new coffee (and display card), let us know!