Check out! Lots of new deals have just been posted. We’re offering discounts on overstocked items to free up space in our warehouse.


Currently Listed On - While Supplies Last!

Currently Listed On – While Supplies Last! currently lists 81 different items at discounts of up to 50%! Products across a wide range of categories are discounted — including Glaceau Vitamin Water, Sprite, Snapple, V-8 juice, bottled water, and various chips, cookies, and cups. Coffee currently available on deal includes some Flavia and K-Cups, Peet’s, Starbucks, Green Mountain, and Seattle’s Best.

Deals are available to customers of Coffee Distributing Corp. We will deliver your deal items along with any other product you’ve ordered, whether you placed your regular order via phone, email, web, or fax. To select your deal items, use the ordering form on or email [email protected]!