We would like to congratulate our roaster, Eldorado Coffee Roasters, on the news of their 240.24 kilowatt solar array. Over the course of the year, Eldorado will generate enough clean solar energy to offset 100% of their electricity needs. We proudly join them in proclaiming Eldorado to be “the only green coffee roaster in New York City.”

Eldorado Coffee Roasters Solar Panels
Eldorado Coffee Roasters, locally based in Queens, NY, sources the beans, roasts, and packs Coffee Distributing Corp.’s private label Estate Select brand of coffee. Eldorado has been our primary roaster for many years. We have always been proud to use a local roaster with a strong commitment to quality. Add in a renewed commitment to sustainability, and we are even prouder of our ongoing partnership.

CDC’s Estate Select Coffee Logo
Our Estate Select brand of coffee is available in both whole bean bags and ground fractional packs. Estate Select is a particularly popular option for our “wholesale” customers, such as delis, for whom we can offer not just great-tasting coffee options, but also an entire program of branded promotional materials.

Estate Select Coffee
Estate Select is an increasingly-popular office coffee solution as well, particularly with our single-cup pods and pod machines. As the more well-known single-cup office coffee solutions become more expensive, low-cost pods (which brew a superior cup of coffee) are becoming an increasingly attractive option.

Estate Select Single Cup Pod Coffee
Curious to learn more about Estate Select coffee or any of our other coffee solutions? Contact us today!